Investment Amounts

Minimum investment amount
The recommended minimum is $ 2,600 for domestic investors and $ 6,000 for foreign investors at the time of the public offering.
Maximum investment amount
The maximum amount of investment is 10% of the company; However, being a publicly traded company, we can not prevent the purchase of a larger amount. The promoters participate in approximately 25% of the share capital, thus protecting a hostile participation to the detriment of the small investors.
Investment Requirements
Requirements for Ecuadorian investors
1. Have an identity card.
2. Fill out the form “Inicio de relaciones comerciales”, since it is the responsibility of the recipient of the investment, Bank or Casa de Valores, to establish that the funds received are lawful.
3. A minimum investment amount of $ 2,600 is suggested.
Requirements for foreign investors
1. Passport.
2. Fill out the form “Inicio de relaciones comerciales”, since it is the responsibility of the recipient of the investment, Bank or Casa de Valores, to establish that the funds received are lawful.
3. Bank Certificate from its country of origin, proving “having a checking, savings or investment account”. Although, this does not show your resources’ origin, good faith is presumed and you can always verify with the bank client’s reputation.
4. For investors from abroad, it is not necessary to physically come to Ecuador to make an investment.You can fill out an account opening form and mandate in a Securities House (we recommend Albion Casa de Valores ), and instruct the purchase of stocks you desire.
5. You can open an investment account with a minimum amount of $ 6,000.
Steps to open an investment account
1. Depending on your situation, download one of the following forms:
Formulario de apertura de cuenta persona natural
Formulario de apertura de cuenta persona jurídica
2. Fill out the form
3. Send us the form to