La Reserva 2005

La Reserva 2005

La Reserva 2005


Company: La Reserva
Sector: Forestry
Product: Teak
Location: Guayas Province, Cantón Balzar 11 Km al norte de la cabecera cantonal de Balzar y 3 Km al este de la carretera Balzar-El Empalme


Property Area: 154.8 ha.
Sown Area: 130 ha.
Sowing Distribution:


Placement: Oferta Pública Secundaria
Number of Shares: 90.000 shares
Placement Price US$ 12.00
Profitability: 15% yearly *
Profitability perception: At plantation’s cut down
Estimated time until harvest: 20 years after sowing.

* Calculation of return is based on the projected growth of wood, on conservative estimates of prices, costs and expenses. The project involves accumulating all the necessary resources for the maintenance until the cutting, from the beginning of the operation. The company does not expect the existence of financial liabilities.

Entities of Management and Support

Financial and Administrative Management: SIEMBRA (Sistema Integrado de Empresas Basadas en Recursos Naturales)
Attorney at Law: Pandzic & Asociados
Accounting & Taxes: Auditing & Taxes
Marketing: FreeMarket S.A.
Stock Placement: Albion Casa de Valores S.A.
Insurance Company: Seguros Sucre


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